Life at Kerjacob .

Life at Kerjacob .

Monday 23 August 2010

The spice of life- part one.

So if variety is the spice of life I certainly have plenty living here.
On Saturday spent some time with my little fishing net catching baby toads, baby newts and wonderfully tiny salamanders.
Tortue, Pie and Samuel don't bother them at all which is good.
As the house used to be a farm we have a fosse which would have been used when the cows were here.
We have kept the fosse because it forms a huge reservoir of rainwater for us to use on the garden.
In the spring the toads etc lay their eggs in it and off they go.
In the summer we become the life savers as the babies can't get out and we can't bare to leave them to drown !
My husband has made little gang planks for them to walk up but of course there are some that need extra help.
I love the salamanders - they are beautiful.

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